Diversity Data Deep Dive

people sitting in a circle, talking

The Diversity Data Deep Dive (DDDD) conferences were developed in order to utilize qualitative and quantitative data to advance institutional equity and diversity goals.

The inaugural conference was held in Walter Library on November 17, 2017. Presentations highlighted available institutional data sets, how data can be accessed, and the ways that participants can leverage data to effect change. The second DDDD took place as a half-day conference in April 2018, examining specific cases more deeply.

This established a model for presenting a fall conference that explores many aspects of data in diversity and a spring session that looks more closely at particular scenarios as models for making change happen.

Many of our sessions from these conferences are live-streamed during the event to include online audience members. Videos, along with brief descriptions of those sessions, are available below. Break-out sessions were not recorded.

For more information about any of these presentations, please contact [email protected].

Past Conferences

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Diversity Data Deep Dive 11 - Fall 2023

Diversity Data Deep Dive 11: Illustrating Access

December 6 - 7, 2023

View the DDDD11 program

Diversity Date Deep Dive 7 - Spring 2021

Maintaining Momentum: Community Framing of Policing Solutions, Mental Health & Wellness, and Anti-Racist Research Strategies

Diversity Data Deep Dive 7

DDDD7 Program

From Police Reform to Police Abolition? How Residents and Activists in Minneapolis Want to Make Black Lives Matter:

College Student Health COVID Impact Survey – Results:

Reflection and Discussion:

Conducting Research Through an Anti-racism Lens: A Libraries Guide

COVID-19 Wellness Study:

EOAA's Compliance-related Data:

Diversity Data Deep Dive 6 - Fall 2020

Diversity Data Deep Dive 6

Day 1

Day 2

Day 1 presentations focus on data and insights at the University of Minnesota related to the impacts of the two pandemics on the experiences of students and a more in-depth look at the experiences of underrepresented groups.

Day 2 broadens the notion of data and experiments with connecting DEI work in addressing the impacts of the two pandemics with a well-being model, mental health as it affects students with marginalized identities, and exploratory healing spaces for the BIPOC community on campus. 

Day 1 Agenda:

Examining the Intersectional Experiences of BIPOC Students during the Pandemic: A Focus on Students' Academic Obstacles, Financial Hardships, and Well-being

GradSERU COVID-19 Survey results and Graduate Student Campus Climate Issues Revealed by Grad SERU 

International Student Update 2020: COVID and Social Unrest Experiences

Empowering Women in Science (EWIS): Taking Action to Advocate For and Support Women in STEM during COVID Times and Beyond

Diversity Data Deep Dive 4 - Spring 2019

Diversity Data Deep Dive 4
cApril 17, 2019

Ripple Effect Mapping

This workshop will offer an in-depth understanding of a tool that can be applied to assess the ripple effect impacts of your equity and diversity work and programs

April, 17 2019  

 8:15 a.m. 9:00 a.m.    Registration and Networking
 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.        Ripple Effect Mapping (REM)  workshop - Scott Chazdon, UMN Extension 
11:00 a.m. - noon        Panel Discussion on application of REM to two projects:  
                                    Community Gardening in Rondo & Frogtown & East Side Health and Wellbeing Collaborative- St. Paul 

Humphrey Forum Room,  Humphrey School of Public Affairs
University of Minnesota Minneapolis Campus, West Bank

Attendance is free but registration is required.  Register Here

We especially encourage UMN system campuses to join us.

Diversity Data Deep Dive 2 - Spring 2018

Diversity Data Deep Dive 2
Spring 2018

Session 1: Setting the Vision

  • Virajita Singh, Office for Equity and Diversity (video)

Session 2: Data Context on Sexual Misconduct

  • Katie Eichele, The Aurora Center for Advocacy & Education (video)
  • Tina Marisam, Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (video)

Session 3: Data Context on SERU LGBTQ Student Experience

  • Ron Huesman, Office of Institutional Research (video)

Diversity Data Deep Dive 1 - Fall 2017

Diversity Data Deep Dive 1
Fall 2017

Session 1A: Diversity Data Stories: Why does Diversity Data matter? video

Session 1B video

Session 1C video

Session 2: Snapshots and insights into U of M’s diversity data, where it is located and how might it be accessed (video)


Welcome: Michael Goh, Interim Vice President, Office for Equity and Diversity
Keynote: Claudia Neuhauser, Associate Vice President, Office for the Vice President of Research

Session 1A: Diversity Data Stories: Why does Diversity Data matter? (video)

  • HEEDing the Call of Data - Teddie Potter, School of Nursing
  • A Campus Divided, Uncovered - Kate Dietrick, University LIbraries
  • Trans and Gender Nonconforming Communities: On in/visibility, transparency, and collecting data on us - Melinda Lee, Gender and Sexuality Center for Queer and Translife

Session 1B (video)

  • Internationalizing Campus Climate: An Exploration of International Student Data, Barbara Kappler and Xi Yu, International Student and Scholar Services
  • One of Many Possible Stories About Disability at the U - Cynthia Fuller, Disability Resource Center
  • Influencing Change with Data - an Inclusion Based Approach - Kendric Moore, Office of Information Technology

Session 1C (video)

  • Studies on Engagement of Underrepresented Minority STEM Students - Anne Hornickel, North Star Stem Alliance
  • GradSERU: What we've learned and how we take action - Kristin Van Dorn, College of Education and Human Development
  • Campus Climate - What’s the temperature? - Ann Freeman  & Kendra Okposo, Office for Equity and Diversity, Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action

Session 2: Snapshots and insights into U of M’s diversity data, where it is located and how might it be accessed (video)

  • Institutional data - John Kellogg, Office of Institutional Research
  • Diversity Data Deep Dive: SERU Survey - Krista Soria, Office of Institutional Research
  • GradSERU data for diversity and campus climate efforts - Daniel Jones White, Office of Institutional Research
  • The University of Minnesota Employee Engagement Survey - Brandon Sullivan, Office of Human Resources